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Gemstone of the Month - Peridot


Gemstone of the Month - Peridot

August 27T00:00:00.000Z, 2013


  [caption id="attachment_5051" align="alignleft" width="300"]Gemstone of the Month Peridot Gemstone of the Month Peridot[/caption] Origin: There was a time when Peridot was considered quite priceless in comparison to diamond, but till date people are uncertain about its origin if whether it is from Egypt or France. Primitively, this stunning “lime- green” stone was identified as “Olivine”; early records of this stone are believed to be derived from the Bible. The intensity of color depends on the amount of iron present in the stone, so the color may come in many variations ranging from yellow-green, olive to brownish green. It is assumed that one of the stones in the breastplate of the High Priest in Jerusalem was a stone known as “chrysolite”, which is believed to have been this exquisite “lime-green” gemstone. Hence, it is regarded noteworthy, as it increases confidence which results in assertiveness.

Peridot the Birthstone of the August Born:

It is believed that a particular gemstone represents the month that each person is born in; the brilliant Peridot also known as the “Healer’s stone” is the birthstone for the month of August. Surprisingly, this radiant light green stone was supposedly used ages back during ancient Roman times, when rings of Peridot were adorned to relieve depression and enlighten the soul, as it calmed the nervous system and cured insomnia. It also brings about an essential change, much required for someone who is down in the grave depression.  This shimmering birthstone is said to mesmerize the heart and attracts love, calms violent anger, resulting in escalating peace of mind.

Your luck with the Lime-Green stone:

Peridot the visionary stone helps in connecting and communicating destinies by retreating down the ego urges, which in turn cures feelings of  jealousy, anger, and sadism thus bringing about a peaceful atmosphere. Peridot   gives promising results for the natives who are born under the zodiac sign, Virgo, Leo, and Sagittarius and is a splendid gift to your loved one on your 16th anniversary. This priceless gemstone holds numerous supernatural properties in matters of health, mind, love, and relationships.

Wear a Peridot for all the right reasons….the official color of the season:

When it comes to flaunting your set of gemstones, Peridot should be considered a must, as its unique tint and color merges with any colored or colorless stone adding an exceptional shimmer. Peridot jewelry is provides a gorgeous look when set in a rings, pendants or even earrings. This astounding stone holds brilliant vibrations to an extent that it lights up a dull life in a noticeable amount of time. One cannot miss the intriguing mix of the stunning diamond and the timeless Peridot, as they make any jewelry piece a work of art with their respective hues and shades. Most commonly this stone is paired with moonstones for other healing and rejuvenating reasons. This stone hold endless beneficial reasons when it comes to releasing stress, or boosting confidence or maintaining one’s self esteem.

Wear and Care:

Astrologers suggest wearing this alluring stone in gold only and on your ring finger for beneficial factors and in order to preserve it right, you must keep it away from salty water, harsh detergents or chemicals as this could discolor the stone. It is also advised that one should not expose this stone harsh sunlight or drastic temperatures as this could damage this fragile stone.