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Mark your 15th anniversary with a Red Ruby “The gem of love & luxury”


Mark your 15th anniversary with a Red Ruby “The gem of love & luxury”

January 21T00:00:00.000Z, 2014

Donna Klaus

15th anniversary gift red ruby ring Marriage a bond that best defines love, commitment, and companionship; it is a relationship which consumes you with unconditional love. It effuses a sense of security where both people in a relationship draw strength from one other and also requires a certain amount of mutual understanding that paves way to complement each other. It is a fundamental union, which should be celebrated and cherished day after day and even more so when it marks a certain milestone like your anniversary. Each anniversary is special in a couple’s life as the day commemorates togetherness and reminds them as to why they decided to marry in the first place. Every couple celebrates their nuptial tie in diverse ways, but there are certain anniversary stones which are dominant and mark most milestone dates. When talking about your 15th anniversary, it has to be special and should be celebrated with a royal gem like Red Ruby; this gem is the hallmark stone which symbolizes years of togetherness. Prized by the kings through ages, precious ruby is an exceptional gem, is extremely durable, and possesses luscious hues of fiery red, burgundy, to pastel pink. It is called the “Stone of Love and Luxury” for all the right reasons. It is believed that the intense stone ruby can help bring back love in a downhill relationship, intensify the love bond, bring good fortune, heightens vibrancy and spark in your marriage. It is alleged that ruby personifies passion, beauty, and charm, hence is the perfect gift for a man and women both. Symbol of immortal love, no other stone can define your knot better than a ruby and it is considered customary to present your loved one with a ruby ring when one has reached a wonderful milestone like the 15th wedding anniversary. Gift your special person a piece of heaven, a jewelry which your loved one would be delighted to adorn. Currently in-vogue is a trend to exchange matching ruby rings, a spectacular match that idyllically defines both of you. A ring crafted with an amalgam of rubies and eternal diamonds with precious metals like platinum, white gold, or sterling silver presents quite an extravagant picture and is a fine souvenir to mark your day with. Ruby rings in styles like halo, vintage, three stone, and milgrain designs are wonderful gifts that will be treasured for years to come. It is the thought that matters and a stunning present like a ruby ring is one piece of jewelry that would never go out of style and would replicate your the essence of your love in so many ways.